program of C

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program of C

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محمد مهدی کشاورز
امیدوارم از مطالبم استفاده ی مناسب را کرده باشید
لطفا نظر بدهید

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۱ مطلب در تیر ۱۳۹۵ ثبت شده است

    ++in this weblog i want to tell you How to make a simple program on c
To start you should have visual studio program on your computer.After installing open the visual studio program.then click on file>new>project and sellect "installed" from the top of the window.then click on the"visual c++"then click"Win32".Also you can write a name for your program.for example the "first program".Finally click "OK".click on the "Next"buttom.At the window of"application setting" in part of addittioanal option tick/check empty project.At last click "finished".in "solition explorer " right click on the "souce files">"Add">"New item".here you can change the name,too.Ending click on "add"button.
Now!you have 4 windows here.i don't want to tell more about them.Because i want to say the main things.
Write these codes on the biggest window:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main()
cout << "I made my first program of C++! good to me!"<<endl;
Now press Ctrl+Shift+B on the key board to build the program.
the last thing to do press Ctrl+F5 on the key board.
.Enjoy your program!

If you can't read what i wrote you can have these information as an image

  • محمد مهدی کشاورز